2011년 6월 15일 수요일

Production guidelines

Topic : my best movies.


a fish called wanda
good will hunting
how to lose a guy in 10days
imagine me and you
shawshank redemption
stuck on you
death and the maiden
good girl
bagdad cafe

2011년 6월 13일 월요일

scenes of imagine me and you ; heart leaps

the scene is when Luce casually says to Heck she is gay. Heck thought she's messing with him at the moment but he realized that she's not joking.

Both girls can't deny their feelings towrad each other..

2011년 6월 11일 토요일

scenes of Imagine me and you

This is the moment when two gals, Luce and Rachel, met at first time.

Rachel may feel this strong feelling that she and Luce are going to be friends or more than that.

# movie : Imagine me and you

This movie is a old-fashioned romantic comedy except this romantic vibe happens between two women. lovely British parks, antiques auctions and very good-looking in their 30's are attractive factors of this movie.
This film hinges on love at first sight. Two women meet at one's wedding, and they fall almost instantly in love with one another. As the bride enters married life, they work to resist their attraction.
I particularly don't like the film since I found that it is so focused on those two women's romance that they seem to not care about the wrecked marriage.
and the abandoned husband, Heck, is depicted so generously that he never angry at his wife cheating with another woman. ( seriously, in a real world, which newly married man would accept the fact without pain that my wife fell in love with another woman ?)
For all its structural flaws, however, I found myself charmed by two women's performances. If you want to see some new style of romance, you should watch this !

the last but the best part of Good Will Hunting

I always cry at this scene of the movie. Will came to Lambeau's office. and Will confessed abused his boyhood memeries by his father. Lambeau whispers. "It's not your fault." and will replied pretending to look casually. "I know."
Sean, again, said "no, no, you don't. It's not your fault. Hmm?."
after hearing a couple of 'It's not your fault' by Sean, Will look dead serios and said " Dont fuck with me." while he is sobbing.
and finally Sean takes Will in his arms and holds him like a child. Will sobs like a baby. This is a climax of this movie.

scenes of Good Will Hunting

Skylar and Will sit in the open courtyard of this Harvard Square eatery. and Skylar asks him " Do yo have a photographic memory?" Instead of answer 'yes' or 'no', He trys to explain this to her. Like Mozart or Beethoven looked at a piano and they could just play, when it comes to stuff like Organic chemistry paper, Will could just play. That's the best he can explain it.

and after hear all this saying, Skylar is striken with admiration for Will. and try to Kiss him.she said she's been here for 4years, and she's only just found him.

a scene : when Will and Skylar first met

This part is very thrilled. the Harvard guy who tried to showing off his knowledge to those working class guys is stunned and lost by Will.

and the funniest and most thrilling line is .. "you dropped a hundred and fifty grand on an fucking education you could've got for a dollar fifty in late charges at the public library."

and Sklar approaches will and say Hello and give him her number by producing a folded piece of paper and offers it to Will.

2011년 6월 9일 목요일

# movie : Good Will Hunting

I have wanted to see this film for a very long time. I finally was blessed with the opportunity to watch it and my already high expectations were greatly exceeded. This film is brilliant in every way a film can. Touching story, great scenery, fantastic script, near perfect acting. The part that blew me away the most was the acting. Matt Damon's strongest performance well deserved of the Oscar nod. Robin Williams shows us that he's more than a comedic performer. for though was that of Minnie Driver. She was absolutely fantastic in this film. It's got it all. A strong, brilliant, touching, well-rounded film! You cannot miss this film.

this song is very sweet.

Good Will Hunting, Elliot Smith - Between the bars By

2011년 6월 7일 화요일

scenes of a fish called Wanda2

this scene is very funny. when Wanda found out that George moved the lot to another place, Wanda screamed at Ken where the lot had been moved. Ken, in an embarrassment, couldnt tell Wanda but only stetter. the funniest part is Ken stop stattering momentarily after Wanda kissed him. and after being kissed, with a clear english accent Ken replied, " I don't know where it is,(Listen carefully this "It is", It's different from the way american english speakers pronounce.) there is a key. I don't know what is for.

This part is also very very hilarious. she is so talented in acting !

what happened ?" " Got a date friday." almost all of every scene is very hilarious, so Let's just watch some particularaly scenes which give us big laugh.

This scene is Archi almost faints with suprise when he saw his wife who isnt expected to be here now.

This scene is when Ken is bount to a chair and being questioned by Otto. Ken really looks like have a difficuly in breathing now.

2011년 6월 5일 일요일

scenes of a fish called Wanda1

I like the use of profanity in this scene. Great bit of british comedy, "A Fish called Wonder"this scene is also so so so funny. I laughed till I cried. Otto stucked in cement and he couldnt get out of.

this scene is also very very hilarious. I laughed till I cried. Kekekeken ttttried to Kkkkill Otto. enjoy !

2011년 6월 1일 수요일

# movie : A fish called Wanda

It is the most hilarious movie I have ever seen. I love this movie.. whenever I feel sad, I watch this movie then it makes me laugh. It's like all the stars aligned for this film. It was the perfect blend of British and American humor. If you havent seen this movie yet, then you shouldn't be talk about the funniest movie you ever saw !

scenes of Shawshank Redemption

Red wallks and searchs the tree where Andie told to him. There's a big oak tree that Andie mentioned. Red pulls te envelope out and found a letter inside. and he begins to read. and this is the best line of this film. " Remember, Red, hope is a good thing. Maybe the best of things. And no good thing ever dies.

This part is so beautiful and touchful. "I hope to see my friend and shake his hand. I hope the Pacific is as blue as it has been in my dreams.(he says like because he had been living in the shawshank prison most of his life, he hardly saw the Pacific ocean before.)

The Shawshank Redemption Soundtrack

this is a theme song from the movie.
Composer -Thomas Newman

# movie : Shawshank Redemption

You may have already seen it since the film is well known masterpiece.
Most people take this movie on their number 1 list.
the background music "Mozart's Aria from Le nozze di Figaro" is so good.
I would like to share those songs with every one !

A scene of Mozart's Aria from Le nozze di Figaro

my review

This is one of my top five movies !
It's a story about hope and dreams and one whose emotional impact is as great as the Pacific Ocean is blue. This movie works not only as an excellent prison drama, but as a metaphor for overcoming our own private prisons.
I always cry at the last scene of this film. If you want to shed a tears like I do and find a hope you've felt like you lost, you should watch it !

2011년 5월 29일 일요일

a ghost in this movie? (stuck on you)

the rumor has at the first scene of this movie, you could see a ghost under a bed. so I snapshoot this frozen scene and surprisingly I could see a person(hopefully a person not a ghost) under a bed!! Its hard to see in eyes at first but if you look into it carefully you will find it !

# movie : stuck on you

I thought nothing much of this movie at first, just a modest comedy at best. The only reason I saw this is to see the two main actors. but I got it all wrong.
It's a massively funny, smart, and underrated comedy. the humor worked for me from start to finish.

2011년 5월 28일 토요일

Gag reel (good girl)

# movie : Good girl

★To : people who never saw Jennifer Aniston playing character as Rachel in the sitcome Friends...

Before we watched the Good girl trailer, I want you to watch this one first. In Friends, she is fun, loving girl!

but in this movie, she plays totally different character.

I choose this film because Jennifer Anniston who is the hero of friends plays. but the film was more than I expected. It is definetely not a comedy or romantic movie, more less horror or action. It is surreal that movie itself can make me sad and helpless. this is about dissatisfied people seeking to escape from the personal prison of their mundane lives in soulless suburbia. I was kind of shocked when I discovered the sitcom actress tackles amazingly this heavy stuff and also surprised that I never realize the young Jake Gyllenhaal is really handsome.
It could be the most melancholy movie I've ever seen, but It sure is a marvelous movie which make you looking back your life.

# movie : Bagdad Cafe

this story is about the friendship between two vastly different women. someone might say it's a boring movie, but to me.. it's the most unforgattable movie, not to mention the mesmerising background music. It is beautiful, bizarre, eccentric, and for the most part quite wonderful film. It's like reality and dream mixed and simple but yet charming movie. this film makes my mind calm, relaxed and even make me happy. Just the fact that I saw this movie makes me feel good.

2011년 5월 24일 화요일

# the sound track of Bagdad Cafe

This is one of my best songs. It may sound boring and could make
you fall asleep.. but to me.. It makes me cry.
this story is about the friendship between two vastly different women. someone might say it's a boring movie, but to me.. it's the most unforgattable movie, not to mention the mesmerising background music. It is beautiful, bizarre, eccentric, and for the most part quite wonderful film. It's like reality and dream mixed and simple but yet charming movie. this film makes my mind calm, relaxed and even make me happy. Just the fact that I saw this movie makes me feel good.

2011년 5월 20일 금요일

scenes of before sunset

This is the best movie line I want to memorize for ever. Jessie try to say that people exist by what they think, not by who they are.

###It made me realized I havent changed much at all. I don't think anybody does. people don't want to admit it, but its like we have these innate set points and nothing much that happens to us changes our dispositon. you believe that? I read this study were they fllowed people who'd won the lottery and people who'd become paraplegics. you'd think one extreme is gonna make you euphoric and the other suicidal. but the study shows that after about six months, as soon as people had gotten used to their new situation they were, more or less, the same. yeah like if they wre basically an optimistic, jovial person, they're now an optimistic, jovial person in a wheelchair. If they are a petty, misserable asshole they are a petty, miserable with a new Cadiilac, a house and a boat.###

I like this part. It gives me a lot to think.

a heartache scene

she said... she just had meaningless relationship. of course they cared for her.. but there were no real connection or excitement from her side. and more sadly.. she doesn't believe being in love anymore and doesn't feel things for people anymore. since she put all her romanticism into that one night.. when the day she was with Jessie 9 years ago in Budapest. I was so much sympythised with her feeling and cried with her.

# movie : Before Sunset

Isn't she beautiful?

"Memory is a wonderful thing if you don't have to deal with the past."

this movie is a sequal of Before sunrise nine years later where the one-night standers are inevitably reunited when Jessie is in France for a book-reading.
It's nine years after Jesse and Celine first met. now, they encounter one another on Jesse's book tour in Paris. the two chatty and intelligent lovers try to rekindle a lost flame with very funny and almost improvised dialogue which runs in exquisitely beautiful Paris. I would never forget the last scene of this movie. beautiful Celine sings a self made waltz song only for Jessie.
what I most like about this movie is it's just unlike any other love story ever told and in many ways one of the most emotional story.
if you want to feel like being in love, you should watch this film.

2011년 5월 19일 목요일

# movie : Love and other drugs

I saw this film three times in a threater. Everytime I see it, I found it more charmed.

At first I tought it was just a stale romantic movie. Though its not perfect, its better than I would have expected. well actually I don't believe that a player like Jamie would have decided to stay with Maggie, but who knows? their love could be true. the best reason I love this film is so many sympathized, and touchful lines which like everyone who fell in love before might experience before.

young Brad Pitt in Thelma and Louise

haha like I mentioned, we can appreciate young Brad Pitt in this movie.

a scene of Thelma and Luise

The authors of the catastrophe.. a man hit and raped Luise, and Thelma killed him.

2011년 5월 18일 수요일

# movie : Thelma and luise

I especially would like to share the last scene of the film with everyone.
this ending scene gives strong impact on me.

when it comes to feminism, road action movie, Thelma and Luise should be put on the first list.
I felt so liberating at the last scene when those two women riding a Thunderbird fly to the Grand Canyon. To me, one of the charm of seeing this movie was I could see not only beautiful two actress, Geena Davis and Susan Sarandon, but young Brad Pitt, though he appeared on only one scence.

scenes ; A fish called wanda

this scene is very funny. when Wanda found out that George moved the lot to another place, Wanda screamed at Ken where the lot had been moved. Ken, in an embarrassment, couldnt tell Wanda but only stetter. the funniest part is Ken stop stattering momentarily after Wanda kissed him. and after being kissed, with a clear english accent Ken replied, " I don't know where it is,(Listen carefully this "It is", It's different from the way american english speakers pronounce.) there is a key. I don't know what is for.

This part is also very very hilarious. she is so talented in acting !

what happened ?" " Got a date friday." almost all of every scene is very hilarious, so Let's just watch some particularaly scenes which give us big laugh.

This scene is Archi almost faints with suprise when he saw his wife who isnt expected to be here now.

This scene is when Ken is bount to a chair and being questioned by Otto. Ken really looks like have a difficuly in breathing now.


It is the most hilarious movie I have ever seen. I love this movie.. whenever I feel sad, I watch this movie then it makes me laugh. It's like all the stars aligned for this film. It was the perfect blend of British and American humor. If you havent seen this movie yet, then you shouldn't be talk about the funniest movie you ever saw !

2011년 5월 2일 월요일

scenes ; how to lose a guy in 10 days

only dated a guy a week " It was the best week of my life."

"you don't recognize here?" "hi", "hi"... "unattached?" (It means 'are you single?') "currently" "likewise" ('me too' would be a common answer in our knowledge, but now we know this expression we could use it !) psycho? "raraely" This part is really hilarious !

"Is something wrong with the barley?" (* Barley : we call is "Bori" in korean.) "my boy friend thinks Iam fat! " "I can't eat in front of him !" "I don't think she is fat"

"try it on." "I was saving for it aspeacial occasion." " you are a vision in khaki." This scene is funny.

"he is so vain, he probably thinks this song is about you." "tone dear and drunk is not a good combination." (haha he is right.) "you fooled me to win a bet and you should be ashamed." "you took to me the god damn celine dion concert, you made me miss the big game."

#Last scene#

"Take her luggage back to her place, she has alternate transportation." are you calling my bluff? you bet I am.

2011년 4월 27일 수요일

# movie : How to lose a guy in 10 days.

The reason I choose this movie as my first posting is this is my first movie I watched for like 7 times to learn english.
when it comes to romance movie, most people might pick 'when Harry met Sally', but to me this movie is the best romantic comedy movie ever!

A regular man (McConaughey) bets his friends (Goldberg, Lennon) that he can stay in a relationship for more than 10 days. If he make it, he can get a contract. Unluckily for him, however, the girl (Hudson) that he picks just happens to try to get rid of him almost immediately. because she is doing some kind of self research thing about how to act to compel man in dating.

movie time !

Do you like watching movies? well, I love watching movies !
I'm more into American or European movies than Korean or Asian movies. It doesn't mean that I don't watch the asian movies at all. It's just my personal preference that I like certain types or nations' movies.
I would like to share movies I like with many people. the movies I am going to post are mostly spoken in english regardless of genre. so through this blog, you can get some information or review about them and also learn some practical english.

most postings go like this way.
-introduction about a movie.
-post some useful expression, my favorite scenes and songs in a film.

Let's get started !