2011년 5월 28일 토요일

# movie : Good girl

★To : people who never saw Jennifer Aniston playing character as Rachel in the sitcome Friends...

Before we watched the Good girl trailer, I want you to watch this one first. In Friends, she is fun, loving girl!

but in this movie, she plays totally different character.

I choose this film because Jennifer Anniston who is the hero of friends plays. but the film was more than I expected. It is definetely not a comedy or romantic movie, more less horror or action. It is surreal that movie itself can make me sad and helpless. this is about dissatisfied people seeking to escape from the personal prison of their mundane lives in soulless suburbia. I was kind of shocked when I discovered the sitcom actress tackles amazingly this heavy stuff and also surprised that I never realize the young Jake Gyllenhaal is really handsome.
It could be the most melancholy movie I've ever seen, but It sure is a marvelous movie which make you looking back your life.

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