2011년 5월 20일 금요일

scenes of before sunset

This is the best movie line I want to memorize for ever. Jessie try to say that people exist by what they think, not by who they are.

###It made me realized I havent changed much at all. I don't think anybody does. people don't want to admit it, but its like we have these innate set points and nothing much that happens to us changes our dispositon. you believe that? I read this study were they fllowed people who'd won the lottery and people who'd become paraplegics. you'd think one extreme is gonna make you euphoric and the other suicidal. but the study shows that after about six months, as soon as people had gotten used to their new situation they were, more or less, the same. yeah like if they wre basically an optimistic, jovial person, they're now an optimistic, jovial person in a wheelchair. If they are a petty, misserable asshole they are a petty, miserable with a new Cadiilac, a house and a boat.###

I like this part. It gives me a lot to think.

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