2011년 4월 27일 수요일

# movie : How to lose a guy in 10 days.

The reason I choose this movie as my first posting is this is my first movie I watched for like 7 times to learn english.
when it comes to romance movie, most people might pick 'when Harry met Sally', but to me this movie is the best romantic comedy movie ever!

A regular man (McConaughey) bets his friends (Goldberg, Lennon) that he can stay in a relationship for more than 10 days. If he make it, he can get a contract. Unluckily for him, however, the girl (Hudson) that he picks just happens to try to get rid of him almost immediately. because she is doing some kind of self research thing about how to act to compel man in dating.

movie time !

Do you like watching movies? well, I love watching movies !
I'm more into American or European movies than Korean or Asian movies. It doesn't mean that I don't watch the asian movies at all. It's just my personal preference that I like certain types or nations' movies.
I would like to share movies I like with many people. the movies I am going to post are mostly spoken in english regardless of genre. so through this blog, you can get some information or review about them and also learn some practical english.

most postings go like this way.
-introduction about a movie.
-post some useful expression, my favorite scenes and songs in a film.

Let's get started !